The Fieldpost
(Click on the images for enlargement in a new window)
the terms of the Agreement the occupation was delayed 10 days, from 1/10
- 10/10-1938, so the Czech authorities could clear offices.
Czech Postal card canceled with a fieldpost cancel from fieldpost office number 900.
The Sudetenland Freikorps (the Sudetenland freecorps) had their own fieldpost cancels; however, their mail had to be sent by civilian post offices! |
Picture postcard canceled with a Freecorps fieldpost cancel of the 8th Batallion. As the postcard was not franked, the Postoffice
tried to find the sender. (Not found) in blue and signed by the postal clerk. As such the card was marked with a blue "6" (pf) indicating
the amount of postage due. tells about a parade held in Karlsbad.
The back of the picture postcard shows the parade in Karlsbad, with a Freekorps unit marching past the German General von Reichenau. |
As well as using the fieldpost system, the civil post system was also used. Proper postage was required here as well . |
Picture postcard from Abertham canceled with a provisional cancel. As the card was unfranked it was treated as postage due and canceled with a red "Nachgebühr" (postage due) and a blue "6" (pf.) |
Picture postcard from Grusbach
canceled with a liberation cancel.
As the card was unfranked it was treated
as postage due and canceled with
a red boxed "Nachgebühr" (postage due)
and a blue "6" (pf.)
treatment of unfranked fieldpost was very different from post office to
post office. Many fieldpost cards went through the postal system without
being handled as postage due items.
Postcard from Eger canceled with a railway station cancel which was, at one time, bilingual. As this card was unfranked it should have been treated as postage due, but was not. |
Shortage of stamps in some parts of Sudetenland led the German Postal Authorities to send a directive on a date, the 8/10-1938, suspending the use of postage due in the transition period. |
Picture postcard canceled with a provisional cancel
with fixed date from Konigsberg an der Eger. due same day the German Postal Authorities sent the message suspending the use of postage due for unfranked fieldpost. However, at the destination post office the directive had been received and the postage due "6" was crossed out.
Picture postcard canceled with a provisional cancel. It was correctly handled without postage due as it was sent after the directive to suspend use of postage due was send to the post offices. |
The Czech had their own fieldpost system, but unlike the Germans, they even had special fieldpost cards. |
Czech fieldpost card canceled with a fieldpost cancel and censored by the commanding officer
with a censor cancel and his signature. unit placed at Benesov u Prahy in Czechoslovakia. |
They had a Central field post office (Ustredna polnich post) from were all the post were directed to the different post offices. |
Registered cover posted at and sent by the Central field post office (Ustredna polnich post) in Prerov on Oct. 1, the day when the occupation of Sudetenland by Germany started. Postmarked Ustredna polni posty (letter a), registration label tied by CDS (letter e), red unit mark and censor mark. Addressed to command Stefanik Field Post Office 59 in Kremnica. |